The Members of St. Paul Parish are gathered by the Holy Spirit to worship God in word, action and sacrament and to serve Jesus Christ by serving others, especially the poor and needy. We are committed to handing on the faith we have received from the Apostles to our children and others.
Contact Person |
Contact Number |
Purpose |
Building and Grounds | Tom Rawlings | 765 664-6345 | To advise the pastor about issues related to the buildings and property owned by the parish. |
Finance Council | John Claxon | 765 664-6345 | To advise the pastor about all matters related to the financial well-being of the parish. |
Pastoral Council | Anthony Decker | 765 664-6345 | To advise the pastor about all matters related to the parish. |
School Advisory Committee | Jason Miller | 765 662-2883 | To advise the pastor about all matters related to the school. |
Contact Person |
Contact Number |
Purpose |
Adult Education | Mary Jo Parlee | 765 664-6345 | To offer opportunities, programs and speakers which further educate us in our church, its values and current issues. |
Arts and Environment | Carla Tucker | 765 664-6345 Ext. 119 | Preparing the church for each liturgical season. |
Caring Ministry | Ellen Spitzer | 765 664-6345 | To give support to those members of our parish who are currently taking care of loved ones at home, in nursing homes or from afar. |
Eucharistic Ministers for the Sick and Homebound | Edna Crawford | 765 664-6345 | To share the Sacrament of Communion to the sick and homebound. |
Fellowship | Mary Jo Parlee | 765 664-6345 | Extend hospitality as parishioners and others arrive for Mass. Welcome new members to our parish family upon registration. Encourage a community of fellowship at St. Paul Parish. |
Fruitful Harvest | Elaine Greene | 765 664-6345 | To facilitate parishioner pledges to meet the biennial Diocesan Fruitful Harvest parish goal. Fruitful Harvest supports diocesan services including: marriage preparation, seminary education, diocesan staff, etc. |
Funeral Dinner Committee | Mariann Pearcy | 765 664-6345 | To minister to families who are grieving the loss of a loved one by arranging and serving a dinner following a funeral. |
Knights of Columbus | Bill Aguilar | 765 664-6345 | To help young men become better Catholics. |
Liturgy/Choir/Music | Joy Frecker | 765 664-6345 Ext. 119 | To assist and support the pastor in planning and implementing good quality liturgy for the parish. |
Liturgy of the Word with Children |
Veronica Weimer | 765 662-2883 Ext. 112 | To deliver the Word to children during Mass in a way that is easy to understand. |
Natural Family Planning | Susan Hoefer | 765 421-1998 or [email protected] | To promote "Fertility Awareness" and to use this awareness to postpone or plan a pregnancy. |
Parent/Teacher Organization | Trent Dailey | 765 662-2883 | To build a sense of community between parents, children, teachers and staff by sponsoring family activities and supporting targeted needs. |
Pre-Cana | Bill & Miki Weirich | 765 664-6345 | Daylong session preparing couples for matrimony. |
RCIA | Anita Rawlings | 765 664-6345 | Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. |
Social Committee | Carla Tucker | 765 664-6345 Ext. 119 | To facilitate opportunities for parishioners to gather together with food and fellowship. |
Social Justice | Fran Bir | 765 664-6345 | To heighten awareness, within the parish, of the Catholic Church's teachings regarding matters of social justice and to encourage the practice of those teachings by giving of our time and talent. |
Stewardship | Fran Bir | 765 664-6345 | To demonstrate the principles of sacrificial giving by sharing the gifts given the parish with the poor and needy in our community. |
Religious Education | Nora Reynolds | 765 664-6345 Ext. 117 | Catechesis for children, preschool - eighth grade, who do not attend St. Paul Catholic School. |
Tour of Homes | Carol Hamilton | 765 664-6345 | To provide needed funds to refurbish McCarthy Hall. |
Ushers | Andy Raih | 765 664-6345 | To take up the collection at Mass and to seat parishioners as needed. |
Youth Group | 765 664-6345 | To lead teenagers closer to Christ. |