The Knights of Columbus Council 623 is hosting a golf scramble on Saturday, August 17, 2019 at the Marion Elks Country Club starting at 9:00 a.m. Funds raised at this event go to fund scholarships for 2020 graduating seniors...
I am very happy to announce the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana has decided to assign Mr. Jordan Boone for his pastoral year in Grant County ...
Have you ever considered sharing your faith or do you want to deepen your faith? Want to know how the Church passes on our faith to those seeking to join? If so, please consider the RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is...
The school year is quickly approaching. Back to School Night is scheduled for Monday, August 5th at 6:00 p.m. with a New Family Session at 5:30 p.m. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 7th. Classes lists area available by opening this news story.
Summer break getting long? Need some ideas to help get your little ones outside? St. Paul Preschool teacher Nora Reynolds shares some ideas about exploring the great outdoors.
This week St. Paul and Holy Family Catholic Parishes welcome Father Lawrence Abanobi who will be assisting at the parishes through early September. Fr. Lawrence is a Nigerian priest who has just recently earned an advanced degree in philosophy in Rome. Learn more about Fr. Lawrence in his own words.
On Wednesday, July 10th at 7:00 p.m. at, you are invited to learn how the 2030 Pastoral Plan recently released by the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana...