We have been going through a lot of transitions during the time that the offices have been closed! Maria Esparza, the parish secretary and coordinator of our Hispanic Apostolate resigned to pursue other career options. We are excited to welcome Elise Winegardner as parish receptionist. Elise has experience as a receptionist in a doctor's office that will help to make our parish office both more efficient and user-friendly. We continue to look for part-time bilingual office help to coordinate work with the Hispanic community.
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to St. Paul Catholic Parish! You can even now shop from your Amazon app! Below is information on how you can donate when you shop online or using the app.
Like many things this year, Vacation Bible School will look a little bit different. Nora Reynolds, Director of Religious Education and volunteer Amanda Fafinski are putting together plans for the first-ever VIRTUAL Vacation Bible School (VVBS).
As Seminarian Jordan Boone’s Pastoral Year closes today, June 21, we thank him for his time, service and commitment to helping us all grow in faith together. Below he shares his thoughts and reflections with us.
As a parish we are constantly working to improve efficiencies and adjust to evolving needs. The recent global pandemic has led us to evaluate the changes needed to keep the visitors to the parish office safe, as well as our employees. Additionally, with the implementation of the diocese Pastoral Plan, Uniting in Heart, discussions had already begun about moving the parish office to the school. This allows the resident priest to have a home, not a combined living/work facility. Thus, in the coming weeks, some modifications and system updates are being made to the school so that all parish staff will now be under one roof, at the school. The offices currently remain closed to foot traffic and that will continue until further notice. Beginning in July, we ask that you call to schedule an appointment if you need to meet with a staff member in person. More information on guidelines for the safety of everyone when we open to our “new normal” will be provided in the coming weeks. We appreciate your patience during this time of improvement and transition.
St. Paul and Holy Family Catholic Parishes are pleased to share that Bethany Kuhn has accepted the position of Director of Youth and Young Adult Evangelization. She began her responsibilities on June 3, 2020. Learn more about Bethany and her background below.
La parroquia de San Pablo actualmente está buscando alguien para ocupar dos trabajos de medio tiempo. El primero es una recepcionista durante aproximadamente 20 horas por semana cuyas responsabilidades incluyen contestar teléfonos saludar a los clientes, ingresar a la base de datos y otras tareas de secretaria. El otro puesto es para un intérprete/recepcionista de español durante aproximadamente 10 horas por semana. Cualquier persona interesada debe enviar una carta de interés por correo electrónico y currículum al Padre Christopher Roberts a [email protected].
St. Paul Parish is currently looking to fill two part-time positions. The first is a receptionist for approximately 20 hours per week with primary responsibilities including answering phones, greeting guests, database entry and other secretarial duties. The second position is a Spanish interpreter/receptionist for approximately 10 hours per week. Anyone interested should email a letter of interest and resume to Father Christopher Roberts at [email protected].
I am so excited to have seen some of you back at Mass last Sunday! This week, we return to the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, commonly known as confession. Conventional wisdom is that Catholics who receive the Holy Eucharist regularly when they attend Mass should go to confession at least once a year, if not more often. For most, a good frequency will range between quarterly and weekly.