The Members of St. Paul Parish are gathered by the Holy Spirit to worship God in word, action and sacrament and to serve Jesus Christ by serving others, especially the poor and needy. We are committed to handing on the faith we have received from the Apostles to our children and others.
What is Sacrificial Giving?
Sharing the gift of Treasure has traditionally been called tithing. What is a Tithe? The word tithe means tenth. A tithe is the first tenth of a wage earner's income. It is giving back to God something God gave in the first place. Tithing is not any tenth; it is the first tenth of one's income--salary, dividends, and interest-income from any source. The ideal tithe is 5% to the Church and 5% to charity. The amount you decide to give is a decision you must make. Your gift should be a sacrifice. If your circumstances do not allow the 10%, start lower and set your eventual goal at 10%. It may take a while to get there, but it is a worthy and rewarding goal for all.
Sacrificial Giving Chart
How can I give?
Registered parishioners may receive envelopes to use weekly in the collection during Mass. Donations may also be dropped off or mailed to the Parish Office located at 1031 W. Kem Road, Marion, IN 46952. Online giving is available by clicking the following link: