The Members of St. Paul Parish are gathered by the Holy Spirit to worship God in word, action and sacrament and to serve Jesus Christ by serving others, especially the poor and needy. We are committed to handing on the faith we have received from the Apostles to our children and others.
Our mission statement says we are to worship God not only in word and sacrament but also in action. We are to serve Jesus Christ by serving others, especially the poor and needy. We are called to serve one another through the sharing of our time and talent. Throughout our local and national communities, there are a plethora of ways we can serve.
The Parish provides opportunities for you to serve through donation drives and invovlement in community events. These have included the collection of non-perishable foods, participation in the Crop Walk to raise awareness of hunger and more.
While the Parish shares opportunities, there are many more that you can indentify that fit your time and talent. Find one that calls to you and answer that call; God will reward you!